Free (best) resources to learn JavaScript

In the last couple of years, JavaScript is always one of the most popular programming languages. In fact, it's the top programming language on Github, according to the number of active repositories. JavaScript is a client-side programming language that runs inside a client browser and process commands on client computer rather than server. But since the born of NodeJS, we can run JavaScript on the server and build websites or highly scalable web applications and software by JavaScript. There is no doubt that JavaScript will be the leading technology in the next several years.

If you are looking to grow your career, or desire to work in IT field then you can't miss out on JavaScript. It's not only a great fun to learn JavaScript, but also a rewarding career with bright future prospects. That explains the huge number of online JavaScript courses as well as books, online training videos, and tutorials. Some of them are expensive, some are not. To make it easier for you, we've compiled best free resources to learn JavaScript that will get you started by teaching all essential aspects of JavaScript and get you programming instantly.

Note that this list doesn't contain materials for JavaScript libraries or frameworks. Only pure JavaScript!


  1. Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke
  2. JS: The Right Way by William Oliveira
  3. You Don't Know JavaScript by Kyle Simpson
  4. by Addy Osmani
  5. JavaScript Succinctly by Code Lindley
  6. Exploring JS a collection of JavaScript books for programmers by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
  7. JavaScript Allongé, the "Six" Edition  by Reg "raganwald" Braithwaite
  8. Human JavaScript By HenrikJoreteg
  9. JavaScript Challenges by Tomás Corral
  10. Single page apps in depth by Mixu
  11. JavaScript Bible (PDF)
  12. JavaScript Essentials
  13. Test Driving JavaScript Book by Rob Levin
  14. Free JavaScript books by revolunet
  15. Awesome JavaScript books by heatroom


  1. Free JavaScript videos at
  2. Free JavaScript tutorials at
  3. Javascript Tutorial For Beginners by
  4. JavaScript - The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford and all of his NEW videos on Youtube
  5. The JavaScript Programming Language by Douglas Crockford (Part 1Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)
  6. Advanced JavaScript by Douglas Crockford (Part 1Part 2 | Part 3)
  7. The Definitive Guide to Object-Oriented JavaScript
  8. Eliminate JavaScript Code Smells by Elijah Manor
  9. Maintainable JavaScript by Nicholas Zakas
  10. Learning to Love JavaScript by Alex Russell
  11. Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture by Nicholas Zakas (Slide here)
  12. Using ECMAScript 6 today by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer: Part 1 | Part 2
  13. JavaScript in 2015 by Glen Maddern
  14. What the... JavaScript? Kyle Simpson
  15. JavaScript State of the Union by Geoff Schmidt
  16. JavaScript for Everybody by Marcy Sutton
  17. A JavaScript Web App Deconstructed by Alex MacCaw
  18. Rethinking Best Practices by Pete Hunt
  19. Making JS More Learnable by Pamela Fox
  20. Develop High Performance Sites and Apps with JavaScript and HTML5 Dr. Doris Chen
  21. JavaScript from Null by Jeffrey Way


  1. JavaScript Jabber
  2. The Changelog


  1. Learning Advanced JavaScript by John Resig
  2. Maintainable JavaScript by Nicolas Zakas
  3. High performance JavaScript by Nicolas Zakas
  4. JavaScript Variable Performance by Nicolas Zakas


  1. JavaScript Weekly by Peter Cooper
  2. Echo JS
  3. JavaScript Live
  4. JavaScriptKicks

Coding styles

  1. Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript
  2. Google JavaScript Style Guide by Google
  3. Code Conventions for the JavaScript Programming Language by Douglas Crockford
  4. Felix's Node.js Style Guide by Felix Geisendörfer
  5. AirBnB JavaScript Style Guide
  6. JavaScript Standard Style
  7. bevacqua's JavaScript style guide
  8. HapiJS style guide
  9. Khan JavaScript style guide
  10. Mozilla pdf.js style guide
  11. JavaScript Standard Style

Further JavaScript learning and reading resources

  1. The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
  2. You Might Not Need jQuery (updated February 1, 2016)
  3. JavaScript at Mozilla Development Network
  4. Learn JavaScript by Example by Learneroo
  5. LearnXinYminutes where X = JavaScript
  6. Learn JS
  7. Superhero.js
  8. Writing Modular JavaScript With AMD, CommonJS & ES Harmony by Addy Osmani
  9. Learn to Code JavaScript by Playing a Game
  10. Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture - Addy Osmani
  11. JavaScript by Douglas Crockford
  12. JavaScript Katas

Other awesome JavaScript lists

  1. Awesome JavaScript by sorrycc
  2. Awesome promises by wbinnssmith
  3. JS must watch by bolshchikov
  4. Must watch JavaScript by AllThingsSmitty
  5. Awesome style guides by RichardLitt
  6. Free programming books by vhf

P/S: We also have a list of newsletters that developer should subscribe to. There are many source to learn including JavaScript.

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