This is a very common usage when you want to add content after some posts in WordPress, like Google Ads, divider or something like that. When reading WPQuestions, I found a good solution for this problem created by Michael Fields.
Add this line to your functions.php
add_action( 'the_post', 'clear_gallery_row' ); function clear_gallery_row( $post ) { if( is_category( 'gallery' ) ) { // USE A CONDITIONAL HERE TO ISOLATE YOUR GALLERY static $count = -1; $count++; $per_row = 3; if( $count >= $per_row ) { print ( 0 === ( $count % $per_row ) ) ? '<li class="cleaner"&ht; </li>' . "n": ''; // YOUR CUSTOM CONTENT } } }
Thank Michael Fields.
Update: scribu has posted another way (maybe better way) to do the same thing. This is the code provided by scribu. Thank you!
function insert_between_posts($post) { global $wp_query; // Check if we're in the right template if (!is_home()) return; // Check if we're in the main loop if ($wp_query->post != $post) return; // Check if we're at the right position if (1 != $wp_query->current_post) return; // Display the banner echo '<div>Some banner</div>'; } add_action('the_post', 'insert_between_posts');
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